Happy Thanksgiving with Love & Great Food!

I hope that this Thanksgiving finds you surrounded by your loved one’s and Thankful for your Blessings in Life.  I feel we all have something to give thanks for, no matter how hard our life is, no matter what issue we are dealing with.  There is Always someone out there who has it a little harder. 

Someone who has a little less to be thankful for.  Yet, it has been my experience that some of the people who are most Thankful for what they have in life are those who have less.

I am not talking about the wealthy here either.  I know people who are Never satisfied with what they have in life.  No matter what they have.

  • Their home is never big enough
  • Their car is never new enough
  • Their job never pays enough
  • Their bills costs too much money
  • The list goes on and on and on….

These people are the “I can’t BECAUSE” people.  You know them…are You them?  It is Always someone else’s fault, never theirs.

So this Thanksgiving I hope you have enough BLESSINGS to find Happiness for at least a day or two.  You may find that Happiness takes practice and it is also contagious.

Here is my challenge for you!  Every day for the rest of this year, look in the mirror at the beginning of each day and praise yourself.  Then at the end of each day look in the mirror and say something or someone you are Thankful for.  And SMILE when you do.  I bet by New Year’s Day you are just a little bit happier.

And if that doesn’t work, I am attaching an Incredible Recipe that I love to cook, especially this time of year.

Janets Sausage & Squash