This is how My Year has started off! How has yours begun?! I have been So Busy that my head has felt like it was falling off before I have gotten out of bed. But in a funny kind of way! The tasks at hand all started getting so busy right after last Thanksgiving when I began prepping for my yearly marathon of Christmas Cookie (& bars & candy & truffles, etc…) baking. Every year I begin by announcing at Thanksgiving that I AM NOT baking like a mad woman this year. Then the requests begin rolling in, it seems like every relative and friend we have ever had climbs out from under a stone and tells me what a wonderful baker I am. That is it, Sugar Coat it people, I do love ya’ll! So this year, I actually topped last year, (again) but I quit counting when I hit the magical 1500 “cookies”. That was last year’s count which topped the year before and etc…

So, My Birthday rolled around and I was actually done. One week of planning what to bake and buying the ingredients. Two weeks of the Marathon and it was done. Everything was mailed out by the 17th and local deliveries made the same week. My birthday was blissfully no baking, no shipping, no shopping, or decorating. Just a few gifts left to wrap. And a Spa Day at Home for me By Me! It was great, my guy works nights, sleeps days, worked my birthday, which was kewl. He treats me like a queen and had already taken me out. I was Ready for a night off to Rescue & Renew Me!

So, MY Spa Day! Oh it was Soooo Wonderful! I gave Arbonne Rescue & Renew a Run for the Money and it felt Great! I poured a glass of my favorite red, lit some candles, turned on some music and ran a hot tub filled with Rescue & Renew Detox Soak #6810
“Quick-dissolving sea salt crystals help remove surface impurities and cleanse the skin, while turmeric root extract helps boost radiance” (They say it better than I ever could) In my words, I was relaxed and I Glowed! Maybe the music, candles and red wine helped a bit too, lol!

Ok, So my great night ends with some fantastic firming cream! first I used the firming body cream #841 and then on my neck I used the Advanced Age-Defying Neck Cream #838. Both of these are long time Love’s of mine! I feel so much better when I take care of myself every single day and night.

So, I made it through the Holidays with a smile, did a ton of baking, cooking and making YouTube video’s all the while. I am trying to help people take better care of themselves and learn about skincare, nutrition and things like that via my Youtube channel. The link is here on my website. I also take the time to pass along some of my family recipes. I learned how to cook at a very young age from my Mother and Grandmother. As the last of the women of my generation of my Mothers’ family, (with no child of my own to hand down the recipes’ to and no niece who has asked) I didn’t want those skills and special recipes to die with me someday. Many of them are not even written down. They are in my head, or the ingredients are written down without steps. And well, there just isn’t anyone around asking me “how do I” or showing any interest. And I take such GREAT JOY in everything in the kitchen, it is my way of sharing it with the world. My way of making sure that My Mom, Dolores Jane McCue, Grandmother Rosa Lee Clanney and my Great Grandma, Helen Johnson are never forgotten. They were all amazing, strong women.

So, 2019 rolls around and it is rock and roll with my schedule! Life is great and I am here to share it with you and let you reap the rewards with me now that my guy Patrick and I have done the legwork! First off, GET ORGANIZED! We work with a couple of great business Guru’s. What all of them have in common besides great wealth is a great WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE. And all of them say get organized. We have an organizer plan that if you are interested in knowing about, just email me and ask.
The next great thing that happened is it seems like all of our business ventures are going to take off together! So we are in for one heck of a ride! It all started with Arbonne, then our real estate (want a great investment? email me for their information), then Legendary (can you say Opportunity?), (Patricks’) Hellerazors & PWHEnterprises then both Mylalaleggings & Leggingarmy.

And we have already been to the Phoenix Open this year, have our Season tickets to the Diamondbacks, and plans for several bike events! Who has time to breath?! If you want to join us on any of these opportunities, it is right here. Email me, follow the links, just say the word. We would be Happy to help you, to Sponsor you! And if you are simply Looking for some great products follow the links and DON’T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR DISCOUNTS, SPECIALS AND GIVE-AWAYS!
As Always ~ Namaste’ ~ Janet