Raise your hand if you are a living in or from a blended family. That term has so many meanings in today’s society.
And if you think about it, it has been around for ages in one form or another. It has just continued to evolve over the decades, nay, the centuries. As you read through history books you can see it there from ancient Rome to modern day.
First off there were…
Families made up from a spouse who was left a widow or widower and remarried. Raise your hand if you were raised by a step-parent for this reason.
As well as some incredible step-parents. there have been some horrible one’s. That pendulum can swing either way. It always has and always will, I am sure.
Withal, in my opinion, this has a lot to do with the biological parent and whom they chose to marry and make the step-parent.
Next up are the divorced or separated parents…
Parents that simply were or are better off separate than together. Many times these people still have love for one another. It can be difficult to separate your feelings as a (former) spouse from that as a caring parent.
Some people are able to do just that. Be a great parent and not bring their emotions as an “ex” into the situation with the child (or children). Be that as it may, there are as many parents who still find it necessary to show the “evil” side of their relationship with their child’s other parent as there are nice parents. I am sure that many of you children of divorce can raise your hand and feel the pain or joy of this.
Binuclear families…and their multitude of kids!
When I think about it, this could be my current favorite term. If you come from this family, Raise your hand and give praise if it is working! This is where two people (for example sake’) get married and have a couple of children and divorce. Both parents remarry and have more children and all four of the adults/parents (sometimes more are involved after multiple marriages) are involved in and cooperate in raising all of the children.
I think of this as a wonderful evolution in parenting. Imagine if our world could work like this on so many more things. It is adulting at its’ best.
How about Dual-Parenting?
Yes, it is a thing, it sounds more difficult than it is. It is actually where both parents take equal responsibility in all aspects of child rearing.
How about all the Foster Parents
As amazing as it may seem, approximately 450,000 children under the age of 18 are in the U.S, Foster Care system at any given time. And it is on the rise, feel free to raise your hand if you are one of the 6% in cities that are a product of this system.
Correspondingly, the above amount does not include kids fostered by family. So, Foster parents have an entirely different job. Talk about a blended family.
And yes, here is a toast to all the single Parents.
I am talking here about the single since that baby came into their life parents. Did it on their own as they say. On the other hand, I have yet to meet one that truly has done it alone. With no help, from anyone in their life at all.
There always seems to be some sort of help. Whether they admit it out loud or not, there is almost always a helping hand of some sort. A parent, sibling, friend, the child’s other parent in some shape or form.

Furthermore, the help can come in many ways. It may be emotional, financial, or helping sometimes in the day to day caring for the child. Sometimes it is just listening after a long day or a bad night.
So, have you raised your hand yet?
If you haven’t raised your hand yet, look for my next Blog where I talk about living in my blended family.
Namaste Momma ~ Janet