Do you ever get tired of being Serious?

I was looking for something different, something new to talk about, write about. As I browsed the news, I saw Covid, Politics, Sports, Courts and Controversy. But something else kept popping up along with all the truly serious crap. Yes, I said it like that, but don’t you get tired of reading, hearing, watching all the serious things in life?

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30 + Common Work from Home Problems & How to Fix Them

Here we are in 2020, Who would have Ever thought that this year would be this way! I mean think back to five years ago or last year even, did you say, “in 2020, I am going to be on a basic lock down or quarantine from a pandemic?” Did anyone think that we would be coming to a screeching halt?

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Have you Ever Wondered…

How on earth all of the these people that make money from home Really Make Money, keep a schedule and…

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